Ordering Valuations


Semper will accept an existing report wherever possible to assist with a rapid settlement, however, it is always advisable to check before instructing a valuation to ensure the lender's needs will be met by the report.

This will save you and your client time and money in the long run, and will get your client to settlement sooner.


Valuations are one of the most important aspects of property-secured lending, but also the key item that slows down a rapid settlement. These days, even in the private lending world an independent valuation is often required.

It is not uncommon for finance applications to be presented with an existing valuation report. Perhaps the applicant is an experienced developer, their advisors may have their own valuers or, sometimes a report has been completed for another lender and the application has not proceeded.

Wherever possible Semper will accept an existing report. However, it is always advisable to seek direction from any prospective lender to ensure their needs will be met under the instruction. This safeguards against wasting time and money, and will get your client to settlement sooner.

Here are some the reasons why a lender might reject an offered valuation report:

  • It is out of date – most valuations are only valid for 90 days from the date of inspection;
  • The valuer or prior lender are unwilling to have the valuation assigned;
  • The instruction methodology is not suitable (i.e. ‘market value’ is not the same as ‘a valuation for first mortgage purposes’);
  • The valuer will only work for ADIs or specific lenders;
  • The valuer does not carry appropriate Professional Indemnity insurance;
  • The valuer chosen is unreliable: they may be known to exaggerate outcomes on behalf of their customer or play with ‘slim’ margins;
  • The valuer has a concentrated clientele by property type and location which can create a shared confirmation bias that may lead to optimistic outcomes.

It saves everybody time and money if an introducer checks with their lenders before instruction, but a lender should always work with their introducers to accommodate a rapid valuation. Where possible introducers should understand the valuer panels of their regular lenders.

If you have an urgent settlement Semper will do everything it can to move mountains to assist. This includes assisting in the appointment of a mutually agreeable valuer.

Please call 1800 736 737 for any urgent settlement requirement.


Commercial lending

Semper is a leading non-bank lender specialising in property-secured loans to businesses in any industry with loan sums from $250K – $30M 1st and 2nd mortgages Australia-wide up to a maximum LVR of 80%.

Semper offers a wide range of flexible products tailored specifically for you. We specialise in all your short-term and bridging finance needs.

We don’t do loans the banks won’t, but assist when the banks can’t, usually due to timing or circumstance.


Rapid property acquisition pending alternate finance;
Managing cash-flow challenges, such as:
  • Tax liabilities and ATO debt
  • Replacement finance or deleverage from an existing lender
  • Pre-insolvency issues/ release from administration and turnaround
  • Creditor payments
  • Release of equity
  • Debt refinancing
  • Seasonal trends
  • Business emergencies


  • Bridging the gap between sale and purchase (residential or commercial)
  • Rapid drawdown and equity release
  • Buying a business
  • Meeting the capital needs of a growing business
Semper Secured