Brokers that manage their own investor funds can join the growth in market share.
Semper is inviting introducers that currently manage investor’s funds in mortgage-secured and asset-backed commercial lending to participate in a community that will enable them to increase market share, diversify products and increase profitability.opportunity
The key benefit to commercial Non-Bank lending is a level of flexibility, speed and certainty that cannot be obtained by traditional lenders. However, some Non-Bank lenders may find themselves hamstrung by Bank facilities that force them to apply bank-like risk profiles to their products (so the banks can securitise pools of loans).
At Semper, we know there are many out-of-the-box borrowers who find themselves unable to source funding at critical times due to lending restrictions. Frustrated finance brokers who have access to private investor funds may end up introducing these borrowers to their investors for a trail or commission.
Where this is done on a small scale, outside the NCCP space, and provided the investors themselves are making credit decisions, this process remains largely outside of the AFS Licensing regime. However there are risks to introducers and investors, and the result is usually a lumpy, concentrated risk exposure to predominantly asset-based borrowers.
What has been missing until now is a means by which to bring introducers and investors into a community on a common platform where many new benefits can be realised.
expressions of interest
- Investors managing their own private mortgage loans, perhaps introduced by brokers or other lenders;
- Introducers who source loans that they manage for, or with, investors – perhaps on an ad-hoc basis;
- Lenders with small portfolios with their own AFS License (or operating as a CAR) who suffer treasury constraints.
- For investors:
- The capacity to achieve higher leverage without increased risk exposure to current experience
- A recycling of capital for re-use while gaining the leverage mentioned above
- The ability to share risk with other investors
- The opportunity to employ investment capital for longer tenure products without losing the leverage of recycling of capital mentioned above.
- For Introducer / managers of investor capital:
- Recycling of investor funds to relend before the end of the loan period and therefore
- A growth in loan volumes under management and an increase in ongoing loan management fees
- An increase in loan product offerings for borrowers
- The opportunity to offer larger-size loans
- As much or as little centralized credit and post loan management support as desired to grow your business, paid for by the borrower
- The ability to earn long-term income trails from loans on-sold to a different class of investor with capital ready to be redeployed.
Commercial lending
Semper is a leading non-bank lender specialising in property-secured loans to businesses in any industry with loan sums from $250K – $30M 1st and 2nd mortgages Australia-wide up to a maximum LVR of 80%.
Semper offers a wide range of flexible products tailored specifically for you. We specialise in all your short-term and bridging finance needs.
We don’t do loans the banks won’t, but assist when the banks can’t, usually due to timing or circumstance.
Managing cash-flow challenges, such as:
- Tax liabilities and ATO debt
- Replacement finance or deleverage from an existing lender
- Pre-insolvency issues/ release from administration and turnaround
- Creditor payments
- Release of equity
- Debt refinancing
- Seasonal trends
- Business emergencies
- Bridging the gap between sale and purchase (residential or commercial)
- Rapid drawdown and equity release
- Buying a business
- Meeting the capital needs of a growing business