DUO Opportunity


duo - part 3 - opportunity

Semper specialises in complex, high loan sum, transitional bridging facilities. We characterise these using the Acronym ‘DUO’ which stands for ‘Deleveraging’, ‘Unbundling’ and ‘Opportunity’.

Over the last two weeks we have looked at Deleveraging and Unbundling. Today, in the final part of our 3-part series, we delve into ‘Opportunity’, which involves the need by a borrower to gain quick and easy access to funds secured against property to take advantage of an opportunity while arranging an event over time to repay.

For the high net-worth speculator seeking a speedy settlement to make an advantageous investment, Semper can make fast credit decisions and loan documentation can be produced quickly.

Urgent equity. A wealthy businessman came to us for rapid funding. He had intended for the sale of one property to finance the completion of another, however the sale timing had stretched, and funds were required quickly to keep builders on site. They also had some ATO debt which needed to be repaid. Semper closed the loan within the week after determining the certainty of the sale.

Bridging between a property purchase and sale. A buyer with his commercial property on the market found a new acquisition before they had achieved a sale of their current site. This classic short-term bridge was secured against both properties until the first property was sold, giving the client the time he needed to effect an orderly sale.

Settling a rapid acquisition. Developers are typical applicants requiring funds for a rapid acquisition when they feel they are picking up a property at under market price. They may have specific knowledge of an impending opportunity. This requires the ability to rapidly asset the applicant’s assets and liabilities and their ability to refinance or exit by other means. Where stock has OC and has been recently valued (for mortgage purposes), Semper can move quickly through credit to settlement.

By understanding ‘Opportunity’ and Semper’s flexible refinancing solutions, you can better support your clients in achieving their financial goals.


Commercial lending

Semper is a leading non-bank lender specialising in property-secured loans to businesses in any industry with loan sums from $250K – $30M 1st and 2nd mortgages Australia-wide up to a maximum LVR of 80%.

Semper offers a wide range of flexible products tailored specifically for you. We specialise in all your short-term and bridging finance needs.

We don’t do loans the banks won’t, but assist when the banks can’t, usually due to timing or circumstance.


Rapid property acquisition pending alternate finance;
Managing cash-flow challenges, such as:

  • Tax liabilities and ATO debt
  • Replacement finance or deleverage from an existing lender
  • Pre-insolvency issues/ release from administration and turnaround
  • Creditor payments
  • Release of equity
  • Debt refinancing
  • Seasonal trends
  • Business emergencies
  • Bridging the gap between sale and purchase (residential or commercial)
  • Rapid drawdown and equity release
  • Buying a business
  • Meeting the capital needs of a growing business
Semper Secured